What Parents are Saying

“The workshop was so informative and engaging!”

“Thinking ‘long-game’, developing the person (child) around set values, empowering our kids to operate in their strengths and making space for what they value.”

“ I thought the workshop was very powerful and thorough.”

“Not only was the information very on point but the method in delivering it was relatable for my husband too. (Being the business vs family context given)”

“The transparency of real parents who have walked our path with now young thriving adults!”

“I think it was very well rounded info! I think it could a benefit to newly weds / fresh married couple and parents of every age.”

 “Okay, put as many of these as you think we should have. Thanks for doing this!”

“Sara to me is a mentor, a friend, an additional mother, and a woman of God. She has lead me into a deeper understanding of who I am in God’s eyes. Instead of telling me what to do, she leads me in finding an answer myself with wisdom and guidance. She has been with me as I laughed, cried, prayed, and celebrated. She is one of my greatest cheerleaders, yet also a woman who keeps me accountable to the life I want to live. There is no subject off limits to talk through as I figure out adulthood and life after college. Sara has taken the time to understand my motivations, my patterns, and my struggles. I tend to be someone who wants to be seen as having it all together, but Sara created a trust where I can let my walls down. While I don’t have it all figured out, nor will I ever, Sara reminds me of the peace and joy that comes from serving our God.”

— Jennifer, age 24

“Coaching with Sara is much like talking to your Big Sis. She loves you unconditionally and speaks truth into your life even when it’s tough or not what you want to hear. 

I felt lost specifically in parenting my son, and Sara just came right beside me and walked with me. She proved to me I was not alone, and gave me specific tools and wisdom to navigate the next moment as a Mom. Often times I put pressure on myself that I should “know”… know what to do, how to respond, Know… everything. Sara showed me that it’s ok not to “know.”

We laughed (a lot). I cried. We talked and talked And always, I always walked away w a plan to get better. To take the next best step for the moment. She also held me accountable to areas that I wanted to grow. 

Sara not only helped me with being a more compassionate and understanding Mom, she also positively impacted my marriage and my friendships. Sara has such wisdom from experience as a Mom of two fabulous kiddos and she’s brilliant with her medical background. She will add value to your life. Sara will take you to the next level in being what you were created to be. And Sara will walk alongside of you, encouraging and supporting you for as long as you will allow her. 

Thank you, Sara, for investing in me.”


“You’re not alone in this parenting thing! When my teens started to grow in their own maturity to becoming independent and learning how to use their new freedoms, I realized I was also going through a transition of my own parenting and how to communicate effectively with them. I needed a mentor, counselor, coach, prayer warrior, friend, confidant, thinking partner, and encourager to help me navigate and grow alongside my teens. I found there was really a gap in resources for parenting this age group. Sara was exactly that person I was looking for, and her candid advice helped me find new and creative ways to communicate with my teens and bring joy to my journey of parenting. Sara is a wealth of parenting wisdom gained by her own experience. She took the time to understand my personality and perspectives and led with honest questions that helped me discover my tendencies in parenting and how to tailor them to my teens personality and development stage. I’m very thankful for Sara for helping me grow to love my teens deeply and humbly. I highly recommend partnering with her if you are looking for someone with parenting wisdom and deeply invested in walking alongside you in motherhood!”

– Anne Marie E.